
Days Go By

I remember the last few months of pregnancy, life was like a big, lazy, slow river in summertime. Just chugging along in the sweltering heat. There was time to watch the days go by and meander along the way.
Since Sunshine was born, life has been zooming by so quickly. Sure, there are mind-numbingly boring stretches (baby crawls up the stairs-baby crawls down the stairs-baby crawls back up the stairs-repeat ad naseum). But the days, weeks, months fly by so fast I can hardly catch my breath. I feel like I have been sucked into the outer reaches of a black hole and time has started to do wacky things. This goes so fast, and I don't have any time to do anything. And then, at the end of the day, when the toddler is sleeping, I am so exhausted, I can hardly think of doing anything but crawling into bed and reading 2 pages before passing out.
I am sure that time will slow down considerably when she goes to kindergarten or school in a few years (will it really be THAT long before she does these things?) and I am suddenly left with mountains of time to myself...but I can hardly imagine that ever happening.
What matters anyway, is now. And now there is no time for anything else than what I am currently doing (and barely keeping my head above water, I feel, at some moments). It is not as if my days are action-packed or full of variety. Sure, life with a toddler does have its moments, but, to be sure, the days are rather intellectually dull. But still, every moment seems to be marked by at least three different simultaneous events or tasks.
It's time to catch my breath and take stock of things. Hmm, maybe I'll get a chance to do that in 20 years or so.

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